
Friday, December 14, 2012

Should Christians preach against Santa Claus?

I received this question:

"Our former pastor and church absolutely forbid us to acknowledge Santa Claus.  As a matter of fact, he openly preached against Santa.  What are your feelings?"

I had hoped the church (body of Christ) had pressed past such things, but I guess not.  I will answer your question, not meaning any disrespect toward your former pastor.  This is me speaking, okay?

Santa Claus was always part of our Christmas celebrations during my boyhood.  As a matter of fact, I must say the Ole' Boy was quite good to me then, and continues to delight my holidays!  I choose not to engage in the Santa Claus debate.  Frankly, I think it's a mute point.  Believe me, there are far more important matters to preach about.  I'm just real sure God is not sitting on His universal throne, wringing His hands over whether or not you and I embrace Santa Claus!

Sadly, some pastors put their personal convictions on to their congregations and preach them as doctrine.  Jesus warned us about such matters.  Obviously, the Bible does not address the matter of Santa Claus, so that automatically places his involvement in your life in the "non-essential, it-doesn't-matter" category.  If Santa Claus is an unnecessary fabrication in your mind, then don't place his picture on your front door.  If your Christmas would not be the same without the legendary, jolly fat man, then remember to leave him refreshments close to your Christmas tree on Christmas Eve!

In our home, our four kids wrote Santa detailed letters, listing their Christmas "wants."  We then mailed those letters to Lori's dad, and he called the kids on the telephone, talking in his deep "Ho-ho-ho" voice, so as to disguise himself   Our kids got the biggest charge out of this annual gig!  That is, of course, until they were old enough to recognize Papa's voice.  At that point Santa became a fond memory.

You see, there are what I call "essentials" in the Christian life, and there are "non-essentials."  The virgin birth is an example of a non-negotiable essential.  Santa Claus definitely fits in the "non-essential, it-doesn't matter" category.  Naturally, we taught our children the true meaning of Christmas as soon as they were old enough to understand.  As a matter of fact, one of our household traditions was the reading of the Christmas story recorded in Luke 2 before the kids opened their gifts.

I just don't get hung up over such matters.  Who cares?  Santa Claus and Christmas trees are neither evil nor good.  They are neutral expressions of holiday tradition.  And God doesn't care either way!  Remember, you asked!

I can't close without telling this true, delightful story.  Dr. and Mrs. Harry Yates sang and spoke one year during our senior adults Christmas dinner.  Harry, being the prankster that he is, walked into the room wearing a Santa hat.  One of our precious saints, however, did not appreciate Harry's red fur-lined cap.  He said to Pastor Yates, "I don't appreciate you wearing a Santa cap in the church."

I'll never forget what happened next.  Harry looked at the dear man and replied, "What?  You mean after all I've done for your family?  After all those years of climbing down your chimney, risking life and limb to deliver Christmas gifts to your children, and this is the thanks I get?"  The man's countenance changed dramatically.  He was totally bewildered and speechless!  He walked away in a fog!

If Santa Claus is part of your Christmas celebration--fine.  If not, that's fine, too.  Just don't tell the rest of us who enjoy the spirit of giving that because he misrepresents the real meaning of Christmas, we are wrong to acknowledge him.  Leave such matters in the hands of individual believers.

Finally, allow me to end with an easily recognized quote:  "Ho-ho-ho, Merry Christmas!"

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